Many people struggle to comprehend that our ideal diet is raw foods primarily being fruit because many have perceived healing on carnivore, keto and paleo-based diets. The reason for this is people can have a certain level of healing when improving diet even if it’s not fruit based. For example, if someone was to move from the SAD (standard American/Australian diet), and move more to a paleo diet where grains, starches and processed foods are eliminated, they slow down the trajectory to progressing further into dis-ease and will experience a certain level of decreased symptoms. However, there is plateau that will be reached as time goes by.
The reason a “one-sided” meat eater can live a relatively longer time than the vegetarian “starch-eater” is easy to understand after having learned Lesson V. The first one produces less solid obstructions by smaller quantities of meat-foods than the starch “overeater,” but their later diseases are more dangerous because they accumulate more poisons, pus, and uric acid.
~Arnold Ehret, The Mucusless Diet Healing System