Australia: Looking for Safe Blood?
This page is for information related to AUSTRALIA specifically. The situation now: Designated blood donations are usually not done in Australian hospitals – there is no free choice of the donor blood.
And please note, as clearly stated on our home page at the bottom and below here: There is no place yet in Australia where you can donate uncontaminated blood which is then labeled as such, and there is NO clinic which will allow you to bring your own blood or any other donor of your choice. 10 years ago, yes. Now? Not possible anymore. This is what we go against.
What WE do:
Our acting plans:
We are in the process of setting up a team for Australia, which will try to find the most feasible way to reach our goal, the free choice of blood (and blood donor). This will happen though finding medical partners (hospitals, laboratory chains, private practices etc.), and most importantly, by trying to reduce the need for transfusions in general with clear advises for medical staff in our members‘ living will.