How to Raise Awareness More Effectively
Activists have spent decades sharing information to raise awareness. Yet those steeped in mainstream views often won’t even look at our information. Responses range from polite dismissal to overt criticism and attack, leaving activists scratching their heads. Pro-vaxxers leave the encounter stuck in their mainstream beliefs while activists come away thinking the pro-vaxxer is careless or stupid. But neither side is seeing clearly. Please allow me to explain…
The masses are psychologically manipulated. With vaccines, false narratives are anchored to a subconscious fear of death from infectious diseases. How that anchoring occurs is a matter for another discussion, but once it occurs, the implanted fear serves as a barrier that blocks conflicting information on the conscious level. Implanted false narratives appear logical to manipulation victims, so they see no need to waste their time with our “obviously illogical, dangerous opinions.” Because the root of this barrier is subconscious, it’s invisible to the conscious mind. Because it’s an emotional barrier, it only reacts—emotions don’t analyze or evaluate—and so its operation is automatic. The result? Manipulation victims don’t reject truth because of poor judgement; they literally *can’t* reach and process truth with their conscious intellects because a subconscious fear-of-death barrier blocks it. Fear of death, once triggered, will always beat information. (See Fear vs. Knowledge for a more complete explanation of manipulation psychology in both sleeper and aware communities.)
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