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A man of integrity stands to speak….….

I had the very great honour to meet personally in Canberra with Federal Member of Parliament Mr. Russell Broadbent from the Victorian seat of Monash a couple days ago

Like the vast majority of Australians, I never had the previous opportunity to enter the working offices of the Australian Parliament in Canberra and speak to a Member or Senator. I never really had the need to do so……until now.

I met with Mr. Broadbent as part of a delegation consisting of representatives of the Australian Medical Professional Society (AMPS) and impressive firefighters (from the Australian firefighters Alliance) who have suffered from loosing their jobs due to reckless vaccine mandates.

It was an emotional experience as I sat and heard first hand, story after story, recounting the devastating impact of cases of COVID vaccine injuries and illogical vaccine mandates were told. When I say emotional, I mean it…..tears were shed.

MP Russell Broadbent has now gone mainstream and attracted acclaim far beyond Australia with his recent speeches in the Australian Parliament regarding acknowledgement of the COVID vaccine injured.

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