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Human Rights Advocates Australia are a national advocacy practice. Our team of advocates regularly facilitate advocacy throughout Australia, both in capital cities and regional locations. Regardless of where you are located in Australia, we can help. HRAA provide alternative dispute resolution services at an extremely affordable and fair price. We have extensive experience in mediation, conciliation, facilitation, human rights and advocacy and have facilitated with resolutions for thousands of clients.

Our team is passionate about the preservation of human rights and standing up for those who have been discriminated against or treated unjustly. HRAA are not a legal practice. We are an advocacy service which finds solutions where the legal system fails.

We can assist with reading court/mediation documents, letter writing, mediation services and conciliations between parties. If the matter needs to be escalated and requires legal counsel, you will be referred to a specialist independent lawyer. The independent lawyers are those which we know and trust, to make sure you are represented the best way possible. Any costs, will be agreed upon between you and the independent lawyer.

During the “pandemic” our human rights seemed to fall by the wayside. Human Rights Advocates Australia has been fighting since the beginning against discrimination and for what is fair.

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