Remdesivir: What You Must Know.
“Please share this article with everyone you know. And please send or show copies of this article to every doctor and nurse you can reach.” By Dr. Vernon Coleman Remdesivir is described as a `broad spectrum antiviral drug’. It is a RNA polymerase inhibitor... read more
Oncologist Refuses Covid and Flu Vaxes
Prof. Masanori Fukushima, Japan’s top oncologist, said that genetic vaccines are totally unacceptable. “I didn’t choose to get vaccinated because I think it was a foolish decision from the beginning. I haven’t even opted for the flu shot because I consider it an... read more
The PCR Test Has Killed Millions — and is Still Killing!
The PCR test is responsible for more deaths than any test in history. It was a crucial weapon in misdiagnosing millions of patients. By Dr. Vernon Coleman I recently reprinted an article I first wrote three years ago. But there is more to know about the PCR test which... read more
The PCR Test Can Kill You — and Could Be Used to Vaccinate You.
The authorities are already collecting the names and details of people who have declined the vaccine. Are they planning to use the PCR test to those who refuse the vaccination? By Dr. Vernon Coleman Right from the start of 2020, my articles and videos about covid... read more