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Don’t Let Your Doctor Kill You

Don’t Let Your Doctor Kill You

The medical profession buries its mistakes. Can you live with that? ” More than 500,000 Australians were victims of medical mistakes in 2002″, according to the Sunday Mail. Since 2002, Big Government and Big Medicine have quit keeping these scary records.... read more
Medicare or Veterinary Care

Medicare or Veterinary Care

Has anyone noticed that veterinarians, who compete in a marketplace, are a good deal more efficient and cheaper than the socialised human healthcare system, which is spiralling out of control? Note the following story: I was just at the veterinarian’s office... read more
Maca Energy

Maca Energy

Maca is a potent herb that grows naturally in Peru’s Junin plateau. Maca was considered sacred by the Incas. It is known to increase energy levels, balance hormones, stimulate metabolic functions and perform as an aphrodisiac. Maca is an adaptogen, and as such... read more
Just Say No To (Pharmaceutical) Drugs

Just Say No To (Pharmaceutical) Drugs

Sometimes a story comes along that is so outrageous I have to comment. On August 17, 2010, at the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in Atlanta, Dr. Donald Light presented his research in a paper titled  “Pharmaceuticals: A... read more
Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s

Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s

For decades, coconut oil was considered a “dangerous” saturated oil by the margarine promoters who set out to demonize butter. We know that ended in tears when it finally came out that the trans fats in margarine proved to be much more dangerous than any... read more

Sprouts: An Ideal Preparedness Food

Preparedness just makes good sense. The question isn’t whether or not to be prepared – it’s what to be prepared for. Earthquakes, nuclear accidents, tsunamis, power outages and petrol shortages can all occur with no notice. Food shortages could... read more