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How is Your Golden Triangle?

How is Your Golden Triangle?

The culmination of twenty-nine Australian happiness surveys over twelve years by Melbourne’s Deakin University has revealed — if you live within the golden triangle, you’re more than likely to be happy. A loving partner, up to $100,000 of household... read more
Your Doctor May Kill You

Your Doctor May Kill You

Here’s the sick truth. The truth about sickness. – Alcohol Abuse. In a study done on the American College of Surgeons, 15% of male surgeons and 25% of female surgeons suffered from alcohol abuse and dependence. And a significant portion reported having... read more
Magnesium “Miracle”

Magnesium “Miracle”

A reader writes, “I went to the doctor today for a routine appointment, and got them to check my heart sounds (because I’ve been diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat) and I also used to get heart palpitations at night. Well, the heart palpitations stopped... read more

Five Ways Marijuana is Safer Than Alcohol

Obama may be the first US president to ever admit marijuana is less harmful than alcohol. Yet his remarks shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone familiar with the science. Indeed, while US federal law classifies marijuana under the most dangerous category of... read more
Your Words are Powerful!

Your Words are Powerful!

Spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body and outer world are programmable by language, words and thoughts. And this has now been scientifically proven and explained. Russian biophysicist Pjotr Garjajev has proven that one can simply use words and sentences... read more