Covid Nonsense Helped Raise Awareness of the Vax Industry’s Real Agenda
Spoiler: they don’t care about your health and they never have, not really In 2019 the World Health Organization listed “vaccine hesitancy” as one of the top ten threats to global health. “The reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability of... read more
Remdesivir and Covid Protocols in Australian Hospitals: Murder of A Minority Dissident Group.
By ExcessDeathsAU This month I was determined to not become a statistic. For the past three weeks I have been sicker than I have been in over a decade with what can be described as ‘influenza-like symptoms.’ Of course, I have not taken the covid jab and I will never... read more
Vaccine Hesitancy? Absolutely!
A crack team of psychologists has come up with a 4-step plan for overcoming “vaccine hesitancy”. “Health care professionals” can use a set of emotionally-manipulative techniques collectively labelled the “Empathetic Refutational... read more
Australia: Covid Judicial Misbehaviour, and What You Can Do.
Section 72 makes a misbehaving judge Ours to deal with Governments everywhere know all about the mounting legal & medical issues, but will not address them publicly (for now) due to the legal liability ramifications. So we are talking about a high stakes game... read more