Australia: University MRNA Grifters Suck Up Our Tax Dollars
Your money is building an ecosystem of jobs for the universities and profits for Pharma. Australia is hurtling into an expensive mRNA industry, squandering millions on boutique research while short-changing a country that suffers nearly 10,000 suicide attempts per... read more
The HPV Vaccine Tragedy Was a Test Run for COVID
A review of the incredible dangers of the HPV vaccine and the unscrupulous campaign that forced it upon the world By A Midwestern Doctor Prior to the COVID-19, I considered Gardasil (for HPV) to be the most dangerous and unjustifiable vaccine on the market. In turn,... read more
The Covid Vax Causes Mental Illness
“…any doctor or nurse still giving the covid-19 vaccine should be arrested and they should lose their licences to practice.” By Dr. Vernon Coleman I’ve reported this before, but very few doctors seem to have noticed so I’ll try again. There is now... read more
No Amnesty for the COVID Tyrants
Dr. Vinay Prasad: “I don’t believe in forgiveness because in my opinion… Read More HIPPOCRATES – BANISH WEIGHT/DETOX RETREATS SUBSCRIBE HERE FOR MORE COVID AND HIPPOCRATES HEALTH NEWS... read more