Australia: Millions Paid Out for Mandated Covid Vax Injuries Just the Tip of the Iceberg?
And, call for submissions to Australian excess deaths inquiry
Remember that time Nine News asked people to come forward if they’d suffered a heart attack, and the comments section exploded with people detailing their cardiac jab injuries?
The Herald Sun published an article yesterday on compensation for mandated worker Covid vaccine injuries in Victoria, and once again, the comments give insight into how Australians are really faring after the mass jabbing experiment.
From the article, Rise in compo claims from people including Victorian workers who had mandatory jabs for work,
“The cost of WorkCover claims related to the Covid-19 vaccine continues to skyrocket in Victoria with more than $6.8m paid to workers who suffered reactions after getting the jab.
“Figures released by WorkSafe Victoria confirm the number of people with proven illness related to vaccines has continued to grow – up from 125 in July to 130.
“Of these, 28 people have not returned to work at all. The Herald Sun understands dozens more have been unable to return to full-time duties.”
“Under state legislation, workers with a “significant reaction” such as severe fever, blood clots, allergic reactions, seizure or stroke can claim.