Magnesium Relieves Stress
At any time, all of us are experiencing one or several life events that are causing major stress dynamics for us. Today many people are living under incredible stress conditions – overloaded with input and concerned about their future.
Between August 2016 and January 2017, the overall average reported stress level of Americans rose from 4.8 to 5.1, on a scale in which 1 means little or no stress and 10 means a great deal of stress, according to a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association [APA]. This represents the first significant increase in the ten years since the Stress in America survey began. At the same time, more Americans said that they experienced physical and emotional symptoms of stress in the prior month, health symptoms that the APA warns could have long-term consequences.
Survey: Stressed Nation 2017
Dietary supplements cannot change the external circumstances that people face, but proper nutrition can keep the body functioning at optimal performance even under stressful conditions. Magnesium, a vital mineral nutrient, is one of the most important natural stress remedies because of its effectiveness, record of safe use, availability and value.
What is Stress, Anyway?
Stress is the result of your natural fight-or-flight response being activated when it shouldn’t be. Whether it’s stress on the job, financial pressure, relationship issues, domestic politics or the threat of natural disasters – when circumstances make us feel out of control our sense of survival is threatened. When that happens, adrenaline is released in order to increase strength and speed, while blood pressure, breathing rate, and the heart rate are increased to pump more oxygen to muscles. Evenour brains start to limit higher thinking and focus solely on how to survive the threat or threats at hand.
Unfortunately, many people choose to medicate their flight or fight response with alcohol and/or legal and illegal drugs, but these solutions create stress of their own.
So, instead of medicating your best strategy is maintaining! Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help you manage stress and avoid the harmful physical health conditions that can emerge from stressful living.
As you manage your healthy lifestyle be sure to include lots of magnesium in your health program. An abundant mineral found in nature, magnesium gives you several stress-reducing advantages that drugs simply do not:
Simple to Use
Magnesium is a wonderfully effective solution for people who occasionally need help or relief from anxiety and stress. Magnesium is easy to purchase, causes no side effects, has no addiction risk, and can be moderated simply and effectively.
Withdrawal Free
Magnesium is simply side-effect free. That’s a huge advantage compared to modern prescription drugss such as benzodiazepines, which have a severe withdrawal risk.
Maintain Control
Magnesium does not cause any personality changes like alcohol and prescription drugs do. They don’t overwhelm your mind and cause severe fatigue or cause you to feel no anxiety at times when experiencing stress is appropriate. You’ll still be you as you use magnesium and able to function fully, enjoy your life and feel good about your healthy choices.