You Can Eliminate Your Car’s Blind Spots When Driving.
A great new way to set your side mirrors.
Step 1
Start by setting your rear-view mirror as you normally would.
Then, lean your head all the way to the left so it touches the driver’s window. From that position, set your left side-view mirror so you can see the back corner of your car. Now lean the same distance the other way, and set your right side-view mirror the same way.
Now, here’s what happens. When a car comes up behind you, you should first see it in your rear-view mirror. But as it passes you (let’s say on your left), you’ll see it move to the left side of your rear-view mirror. And as its left headlight disappears from your rear-view mirror, it should instantly show up in your left side-view mirror. There should be no delay. It should slip from one to the other, so you can always see it.
Step 2
Left Side Mirror Alignment: Set your left side mirror so that as soon as the passing car’s left, front headlight disappears from your rearview mirror, it appears in your left, side mirror.
You might need to make some slight adjustments to your side-view mirrors to make everything line up perfectly. And pulling up next to a line of parked cars (to simulate another lane of traffic next to you) is a good way to do that.
Step 3
Right Side Mirror Alignment: Then do the same thing on the right.
Step 4
End result? No huge blind spots.
Driving with the mirrors this way takes some getting used to. You have to learn to rely on your rear-view mirror first. And you’ll have to get used to what your side-view mirrors are now looking at. But, the good news is that your blind spot should now be gone!