Maca Energy
Maca is a potent herb that grows naturally in Peru’s Junin plateau. Maca was considered sacred by the Incas. It is known to increase energy levels, balance hormones, stimulate metabolic functions and perform as an aphrodisiac.
Maca is an adaptogen, and as such helps in maintaining the overall health of the body. Its calcium, fatty acids and vitamins B1, B2, and B12 content aid in the digestive process, while its phosphorus works on the nervous system.
Maca has proven to be effective for sexual health in men and women. Maca is known to contain strong libido-enhancing properties. It’s been widely used for treating male impotence, increasing sperm activity, stimulating fertility in both sexes and helping menopausal women.
Maca has been found to contain essential nutrients that boost thyroid function and stimulate weight loss. Maca helps to balance the components of the endocrine system: the thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands. Because Maca promotes the use of glucose in the bloodstream for energy (rather than fat storage), it has been successfully used to help people struggling with weight issues.
100% Pure Organically Grown Peruvian Maca Powder is available at www.doctorsaredangerous.com