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The Blending Book and Your Health

The Blending Book and Your Health

Ann Wigmore developed a simple and effective program to extract the maximum nutrients from foods without creating stress on the digestive system. By properly blending raw foods – that is, liquefying them – we can release more of the vital enzymes,... read more
Watermelon and Blood Pressure

Watermelon and Blood Pressure

Simply eating watermelons can be effective in naturally fighting off pre-hypertension and therefore, considerably lessening the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Food scientists from Florida State University have discovered that consuming six grams of L-citrulline... read more
Relegalize Cannabis

Relegalize Cannabis

Cannabis was widely legal for many millennia prior to 1937. The herb addresses: Cancer Cannabinoids, the active components of marijuana, inhibit tumour growth in laboratory animals and kill cancer cells. Western governments have known this for decades, yet have... read more
Your Doctor May Kill You

Your Doctor May Kill You

Here’s the sick truth. The truth about sickness. – Alcohol Abuse. In a study done on the American College of Surgeons, 15% of male surgeons and 25% of female surgeons suffered from alcohol abuse and dependence. And a significant portion reported having... read more
Why Watermelon?

Why Watermelon?

Research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (July 2013) found watermelon juice is an effective remedy for reducing the recovery heart rate and muscle soreness in athletes who were given 500 ml of watermelon juice containing 1.17 grams of the... read more
Skin-Youthifying Foods

Skin-Youthifying Foods

Avocado High in Vitamin E, avocados are also rich in antioxidants which help protect the skin. Avocados help in regenerating skin cells, which makes your skin look fresh, giving a more youthful complexion. Walnuts Walnuts are a rich source of Vitamin E and having a... read more