Australian Medical Student Journal Calls for Legal Cannabis
Cannabis offers exciting possibilities for patients afflicted by cancer, HIV/AIDS, MS, chronic pain and other debilitating conditions. Although medical marijuana programs face several obstacles, the benefits offered by medical marijuana and the positive impact this... read more
New Legal Cannabis Pharmacopoeia
A leading publisher on herbal medicines has finalized a monograph on cannabis that provides scientific standards for patients, growers, practitioners, regulators and researchers. The California-based American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP) released the first installment... read more
Tapping Medical Marijuana’s Treatment Potential: The New York Times
Marijuana has been used medically, recreationally and spiritually for about 5,000 years. Known botanically as cannabis, it has been called a “crude drug”: marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals from 18 chemical families. More than 2,000 compounds are... read more