Why Sunlight?
In a 2005 study, patients staying on the well-lit side of their hospital unit, thereby receiving about 46 percent greater sunlight exposure, experienced less perceived stress, took 22 percent less analgesic medication hourly, and incurred 21 percent less pain medication cost.
Lose Weight
Sunlight affects our metabolism, helping burn subcutaneous fat, according to a study published in The Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Vitamin D and weight loss are closely tied, with the vitamin being inversely correlated with visceral fat and obesity. One study published in Anticancer Research found that the greater the levels of vitamin D among Hispanics and African-Americans, the lower their adiposity, including abdominal obesity.
Alert at Night
Subjects felt more alert in the evening after six hours of daylight exposure, compared to those who, in the same study, were only exposed to artificial light. The latter group became sleepier in the evening.
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine states that melanin in our skin may act as solar panels and ingest energy from the sun, like plants, by converting gamma and ultraviolent radiation into metabolic energy.
Hippocrates Natural Vitamin D3 is available.